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Wiring Harness for 2018 Nissan Rogue and Running a Wire to the Battery  


Ive read some reviews that mention running a wire all the way to the battery . Is there any kit that plugs into a constant 12 volts at the rear - so this can be avoided ?


Helpful Expert Reply:

On your 2018 Nissan Rogue, the Hopkins Plug-In Simple Vehicle Wiring Harness with 4-Pole Flat Trailer Connector item # HM11143645 has a wire that runs to the battery for 2 reasons. The first and main reason is that there is no other source of constant 12v power in the rear of your Nissan. The second is that the powered converter that comes with the wiring harness is designed to reduce strain on your wiring system. This requires it to have a direct power source. If you were to tap into another circuit you would be drawing extra power meant for another function which could/would overload that circuit eventually.

I recommend going with the Tekonsha T-One Vehicle Wiring Harness with 4-Pole Flat Trailer Connector item # 118480. It has a similar installation method and does still require running a wire to your battery but I have had far better experiences with Tekonsha and their wiring harnesses. I have also found a video of this harness being installed on a 2018 Nissan Rogue that you will be able to follow along with during your installation. I did attach a help article that details routing the power wire from the rear of a vehicle to the front for you to check out as well.

expert reply by:
Jerred H

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