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Should The Ditch Molding Get Reinstalled After Putting A Fixed Point Rack On A 2015 Mazda CX-5  


Based on some excellent recommendations by Lazer I purchased a Rhino rack set up with cross bars to use with the fixed points on my 2015 Mazda CX-5. When it came time to put in on the car, I simply removed the Ditch moldings and installed the rack took a couple tries to figure out which of the two fix points per foot to use, but I got there. One question I have is: do people re install the molding to cover up the flips I imagine it would have to be cut to account for the rack feet. Other than the aesthetics, is it ok to just go with out a molding? Thanks!


Expert Reply:

I don't think I have actually seen anyone put the molding back on after removing it. The fixed mounting points were specifically designed to have a roof rack added on, so they are sealed and will not leak or anything. You technically could alter them to get them reinstalled, but it really isn't necessary to do so and will probably be more trouble than it's worth.

expert reply by:
Lazer S

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