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Spare Tire Bike Rack Recommendation for a 2004 Honda CR-V  


Can you tell me if the Hollywood spare tire rack will fit my 2004 Honda CRV?


Helpful Expert Reply:

We do have spare tire bike racks that are compatible with your 2004 Honda CR-V, however, according to Hollywod Racks, the SR2 Spare Tire Bike Rack, # HRSR2, will not fit your CR-V.

Instead, I recommend looking at either the Thule Spare Me 2 Bike Rack, # TH963PRO. This bike rack have been confirmed to fit your CR-V and it can be adjusted to center the bikes with your vehicle since you have an offset spare tire. If the bike does not have a top frame tube, a bike adapter bar like part # Y02531 may be needed.

The Thule bike rack works great with bikes that have a top horizontal frame tube and it includes anti-sway cradles to prevent the bikes from moving when driving.

expert reply by:
John H

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