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Brake Controller and Coupler Recommendations for Off-Road Towing with 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee  


I'm needing a brake controller for my 2022Jeep Grand Cherokee with the tow package. I'll be using it for my off-road trailer. What brake controller do you recommend and is there anything else you can think of? Thanks!


Expert Reply:

I recommend using the Redarc Tow-Pro Elite # RED44FR for Off-Road towing with your 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee. I like this controller because it can be installed virtually anywhere and it is able to seamlessly switch between proportional mode for highway travel to time-delayed mode for Off-Road travel. Since you have the factory tow package you'll just need the wiring adapter # RED77FR to connect the controller to your Jeep.

Aside from this controller I recommend checking out the Lock N Roll towing setup. If you use the Articulating Hitch # 336VS503505 you can add the Off-Road Coupler to your trailer for a more secure connection while towing Off-Road. These couplers will fit a 2" Channel # 336TS528, 2-1/2" Channel # 336TS506, or 3" Channel # 336TS508 depending on what size trailer tongue you have.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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