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Comparing Flex-A-Lite And Derale Transmission Coolers For A 2016 Honda Pilot  


I have a 2016 Honda Pilot EXL with 6 speed tranny and am looking at your coolers. What is the best one for this vehicle? The FLX400117 is the most expensive. What do you get with that one that the others dont have, quality features? Thx.


Helpful Expert Reply:

When comparing the Flex-a-lite Transmission Cooler # FLX400117 to the similar Derale Series 8000 Transmission Cooler # D13502, there are very few differences between them. Both have an aluminum construction, include all hardware needed, and are Plate-Fin style coolers. This is where the main difference is though. The Derale # D13502 will have 14 rows and the Flex-A-Lite # FLX400117 will have 17 rows.

The only other main difference between them is that Derale uses a thermal paint coating whereas Flex-A-Lite simply leaves the aluminum raw, for the lack of a better term.

Between the two, I would go with the Derale. I have used them in the past and am much more familiar with their products. I also prefer the thermal paint coating as it does offer more protection than nothing at all. Plus less expensive is always nice as well.

expert reply by:
Lazer S
Derale D13502 And Flex-A-Lite FLX400117 Row Differences
Derale D13502 And Flex-A-Lite FLX400117 Row Differences
(click to enlarge)

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