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Replacement Key for a Karrite Voyager Cargo Box  


We have a Karrite Voyager unknown year luggage carrier and recently lost the keys, lock #2818. We need to be able to lock our box by next week, and we are not sure if the key #THKEYN2818 would fit our lock or not. Would it be safe to say that this key would fit our locks? Or should we replace the locks completely and get new keys? It looked like the replacement locks/keys Code #SR03807 would work for the old Karrite Voyagers. Is this correct? If we got the replacement locks/keys would we need any other parts to make it work with our carrier? Which would you recommend? We would be very grateful for any assistance. Thank you so much.


Expert Reply:

The replacement Thule key # THKEYN2818 should work just fine with your Karrite Voyager cargo box. Normally, Thule locks and keys begin with an E or N but this is not always the case and if the number does not have a letter in front of it then according to our contacts at Thule it should still work.

If you did get the replacement locks and keys # SR03807 you should not need any other parts provided the catch on the insides of the boxes are present and working. Otherwise you would replace them with # TH03808.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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