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Using a 30 Amp RV Surge Protector with 50 Amp Service  


What do i do when in a 50 amp only available camping spot but my travel trailer is only 30 amp and I want to use my surge protector?


Helpful Expert Reply:

You will always use a surge protector matched to the TT's rating of 30 amps. I recommend the Power Watchdog the 30 amp Surge Protector with Bluetooth # HU97FR. You can use the free smartphone app to monitor your system and get notified if low or high voltage is detected. If you aren't using a surge protector, you're taking a big risk. While spikes caused by lightning can damage your electrical system and appliances, there are common electrical issues that can be just as dangerous.

If you are at a 50 amp service only site, you will need plug your RV's power cord into the surge protector and then plug the surge protector into a 30 amp to 50 amp adapter cord like the Mighty Cord RV Power Cord Adapter # A10-5030FHVP.

expert reply by:
Michael R

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