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How Can I Fit Thule Square Crossbars on My 2015 Toyota Prius Hatchback with a Bare Roof?  


I have a Thule Square Bar and Thule Traverse Foot Pack 480 that were discontinued shortly after I bought them, and Thule no longer sells nor publishes information on fit kits for it. Im trying to fit it to a 2015 Toyota Prius hatchback, normal roof, no glass. Do you make a fit kit for that?


Expert Reply:

You are correct that Thule discontinued the Traverse Foot Pack 480. However, it is unclear from your question if you also meant that you had older square Thule crossbars.

If you have older Thule square crossbars that do not have a channel opening in them, there is a solution for your 2015 Toyota Prius. That includes the following setup:

- Inno Feet for Square Crossbars - Naked Roofs - Black # INSUT
- Custom Fit Kit for Inno XS200, XS250, and INSU-K5 Roof Rack Feet # INK865

Since the square, channel-less Inno crossbars have the exact same 7/8" tall x 1-1/4" wide dimensions of Thule Square bars, these feet and fit kit will work perfectly on your naked roof. Also, the Inno Feet are designed to fit square crossbars that do not have a channel in them.

If, however, you have newer Thule SquareBar Evo crossbars that have the bottom channel, you unfortunately need a completely new roof rack system. For that route, I recommend the following Square bar setup:

- Thule SquareBar Evo Crossbars - Steel - 53" # TH712400
- Evo Clamp Feet for Thule Crossbars - Naked Roofs # TH710501
- Fit Kit for Thule Evo Clamp Roof Rack Feet - 5001 # TH145001

This system is designed with the newer Evo square bars in mind. With this particular rack, it has a maximum weight capacity of 130 pounds. I recommend consulting with your Toyota owner's manual to make sure your roof can accommodate the weight you wish to transport.

expert reply by:
Bob C

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