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Does Hot Lead Have To Be Run To Battery On A 2016 Ford Fusion  


Would a separate 12 volt battery work in place of running the hot wire to the car battery? I am installing this wire harness on a 2016 ford fusion 2.5l se. I have an extra 12 volt battery I could place in the trunk and connect to the harness instead of having to route a wire through the passenger area to the battery in the engine compartment.


Expert Reply:

I understand that it may not be easy to run the hot lead all the way to the battery on your 2016 Ford Fusion. Most of the time it is necessary and highly recommended when installing the T-One vehicle wiring harness # 118574, but if you have another separate 12 volt battery that is not in use, you could attach it to that and it should work just fine.

Depending on where you will be attaching the 4 flat adapter I would also recommend the Mounting Bracket # 18144 so the 4 plug has a nice clean look when not in use. You could also use some Dielectric Grease to make the installed part run better # 11755.

I have attached an installation video link below.

expert reply by:
Noah E

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