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Does Installing Roadmaster Invisibrake on 2022 Jeep Wrangler Require Stoplight Switch  


I am installing my old RM 8700 from my 2006 Rubicon Unlimited into a 2022 Rubicon 4xe. I am installing this myself so the videos are a great help!!!! 1 Why a RM751490 when the RM 8700 sends a signal to the dash indicator on the dash? 2 the RM 8700 uses the brake booster vacuum hose. Where is that located in the 4xe? 3 when using the RM 8700 dont you need a RM88400 to prevent the 4xe brake signal from overriding the RV brake signal? Thanks.


Expert Reply:

The reason you have to use a Roadmaster Stoplight switch part # RM-751490 when installing the Roadmaster InvisiBrake # RM-8700 on your 2022 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited is because your vehicle's stoplight circuit is not active when the vehicle is off so this is there to provide that signal. I did my best to find pictures online of where the brake master cylinder is on your 2022 Wrangler and it appears to be in the standard location up on the firewall above where the steering wheel would go through. I contacted Roadmaster about the 8700 install on a 4XE and yes it will work if you install a filter on a short vacuum hose and connect it to the box and turn the pressure down to 20 psi.

If you will be using tow bar lighting that utilizes the vehicle taillights you will also need a Brake Lite Relay part # RM-88400.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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