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Replacement AC Unit Needed For Ducted Dometic Set-Up  


I have a 15 year old Dometic heatpump, model 630516.331 and I have concluded it needs to be replaced not working and not worth repairing. This is installed in a Class A motorhome and is fully ducted. I’m interested in a model that supports an add-on heat strip for colder temps, if that’s possible. What would be the recommend unit for this situation? The current thermostat is a 5 button Dometic “Comfort Control” but I intended to replace it with a smart thermostat, so compatibility with the 5-button is not an issue. Note: This is the only unit on this thermostat. I appreciate your suggestions.


Expert Reply:

I recommend the Advent Air Replacement RV Air Conditioner for Dometic Setup w/ Start Capacitor, # ACDOM150. This is a 15,000 btu unit that can have the Electric Heat Strip, # ACMHD added. This AC unit from Advent Air is designed to replace the old Dometic air conditioner on your RV. It plugs directly into your Dometic setup and works with your existing, in-good-working-order Dometic air distribution box and thermostat. You will be able to use your current vent assembly and your current wall mounted thermostat will just need to be wired into the new system (it will come with a detailed diagram to assist with this).

expert reply by:
Michael R

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