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Bouncing and Height Issues with Air Lift Air Helper Springs  


AL88375 Hi I have had these installed on my 2019 ram for towing a travel trailer and they work great. but when unloaded the ride bounces you around and beats you up. Ive gone down to 5psi and up to 15psi unloaded but riding in the back seat you go airborn if youre not strapped in. any advice to improve? or is there a bump stop I can add in place of the air bags and and just remove air bags when not needed?


Expert Reply:

I am sorry to hear you are having problems with the Air Lift LoadLifter 5000 Ultimate Air Helper Springs item # AL88375. If adjusting your air pressure up and down hasn't helped with the bouncing you may have a spacer problem. Without the right height between your axle and frame the air bag wouldn't be able to function properly without the weight of your trailer pushing the back of your truck down. I have linked a diagram below that will show you what height your spring should be. You will need to match it up to the number on the side of your air bag kit.

Afterwards you should park your unloaded Ram 1500 on a flat, level surface and measure between the mounting surfaces of the upper and lower brackets. You will then need to subtract the height of the air spring from the diagram from this distance. Then we can use that number to choose the lift spacer kit with the appropriate height and angle.

2" Lift item # AL52420

4" Lift item # AL52440

6" Lift item # AL52460

Angled Spacers

4" Lift item # AL49GV

6" Lift item # AL79GV

If this doesn't solve your problem you may need to replace some suspension components in your truck. You may have worn them out and the rear end could be flexing that much which is causing the bouncing feeling. There is a bump stop/jounce bumper in the bottom of those air springs and if you aren't running enough PSI in them you will hit it.

expert reply by:
Jerred H
Air Lift Air Bag Height
Air Lift Air Bag Height
(click to enlarge)

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