Location Options For 4TH Furrion Camera On Vision S Monitoring System
Due to a smashed monitor, we have an extra camera for the Furrion S. We have the 2 side and 1 rear installed on our RV, I wonder if its possible to wire the extra camera to something like a 12 volt adapter so that it could be used on truck bed to hitch 5th wheel?
asked by: Teresa
Expert Reply:
Yes, the Furrion Vision S Wireless RV Backup Camera # FCN48TASF can be powered by a 12 volt adapter to allow you to use it in your truck bed for connecting your 5th wheel hitch.
Another popular use is installing the camera outside the camper entry door and powering it off of the porch light. This would allow you to use the monitor in the trailer and be able to see who is at your door before you open it.