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Roof Rack Recommendation for Flush Rails on 2014 Ford Transit Connect  


We have a Ford 2014 Transit Connect and it has some channel bars that are all the way down in the channel that go from front to back. The curvey part where the cross bars would grab is on the inside. It looks like your cross bars are built to grab on the outside. Can I send you a picture and you let us know what to use? The van came with the racks. Thinking maybe the previous owners took off the cross bars. Thank you.


Expert Reply:

It sounds like you have the flush mount rails on your 2014 Ford Transit Connect instead of a raised rail system like what the Curt Roof Rack for Raised Side Rails # C18118 installs on. The roof racks for the flush rails use a different fit kit system on the base that make them compatible with the lesser amount of grab space. I really like the Thule WingBar Evo system so for that you'll need the following:

53" WingBar Evo Crossbars - # TH711420
Evo Flush Mount Feet - # TH710601
Fit Kit - # TH186032
Lock Core Kit - # TH450400

I have attached the instructions from the fit kit for you to check out and get an idea of what they look like installed. If this doesn't look like it will work with the rails on your Transit Connect go ahead and send your photos over and I can take a look at what you have.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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