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Troubleshooting a Non-Powering VueSMART RV Camera # HM34FR  


my vue smart wireless trailer camera will not power on. i have vuesmart camera 50050


Expert Reply:

Sorry to hear about your issue! I went ahead and called my tech at Hopkins about your VueSMART RV Camera # HM34FR (model 50050), and she told me there are a couple troubleshooting things you can try. First off, she said that if you installed the camera correctly, it requires for you to have your headlights on in order to power the camera. This is because the installation of the camera is wired that way.

If you confirmed that your headlights are on, the second thing you can do is make sure the proper wires are getting power with a circuit reader like the Hook Probe Tester # PTW2993. Need a voltage meter to test the voltage of the wires attached. The red wire is the hot wire and the black is to the ground. I recommend testing those wires to make sure they have proper electrical flow. I went ahead and attached the instructions that highlight the functions of these wires.

expert reply by:
Bob C
VueSMART RV Camera # HM34FR Instructions
VueSMART RV Camera # HM34FR Instructions
(click to enlarge)

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