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Weight Distribution Recommendation for 600 lb for Combined Trailer Tongue and Rear Tow Vehicle Cargo  


Hello, Im looking for some insight into getting a weight distribution hitch. I drive a 2000 Chevy Tahoe and pull a pop up trailer, fully loaded roughly 3200. Dry tongue weight is 300lbs, loaded with gear in back of my tahoe is about ~600lbs. Im considering the CURT 17050 since it is approximately 600lbs, but my issue is the tongue on the trailer does not have any space to mount any bracket until about 36 inch back from the center of the coupler. I want to avoid drilling into the tongue of my trailer, do you know of any WDH hitches that would have a bracket that mounts 36 inch or more back from the coupler? If not, would the bolt-on CURT system be ok with this WDH I mentioned? I already have a CURT sway control ball mounted on the side of the trailer, which ends at approximately 26 inch back from the coupler. Hope this makes sense. Thank you.


Expert Reply:

Thank you for the information! If your loaded trailer tongue weight (which should be 320 lbs - 480 lbs) plus the weight of cargo in the back of your 2000 Chevy Tahoe is about 600 lbs then the Curt MV Weight Distribution System # C17050 is going to be right in your wheelhouse. None of our weight distribution systems mount 36" back from the center of the hitch ball so you will need to use the Curt Hanger Kit # C17005 to accomplish this.

It's also important to note that you'll need a hitch ball like the 2" # A-90 or the 2-5/16" # C40030 depending on the coupler size of your pop up trailer.

Attached are some videos for you to check out.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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