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Can Inverters Be Used With Progressive Dynamics Power Centers  


Can a 3000w pure sine inverter with a charger and transfer switch built all in one be used with the pd4060k


Expert Reply:

Yes, you can use a 3000w Inverter with transfer switch like part # 34275013 and still use it with your Progressive Dynamics Mighty Mini AC/DC Panel and Converter/Smart Charger # PD4060K.

The inverter is going to require you to have two separate AC bus bars. Since the # PD4060K only has one you'll need to get an AC subpanel. Your AC in on the inverter will connect to a circuit breaker on the main panel ( # PD4060K) and the AC out will go to a circuit breaker on the sub panel.

When connected to shore power the transfer switch will turn off the inverter and allow AC current to flow through it from the main panel to the sub panel so both are powered. When not connected to shore power the inverter will draw from the battery and only power the subpanel. Anything that you want to be powered by the inverter when not hooked up to shore power will need to be wired to the sub panel.

expert reply by:
Kevin C
iC3000 50a Wiring Diagram No Sub Panel
iC3000 50a Wiring Diagram No Sub Panel
(click to enlarge)
Benjamin profile picture



What if I want every thing that is powered by shore power to also be powered by my inverter when not using shore power, can I connect the inverter to the power center so I don't have to get a sub panel? Thanks

KevinC profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Kevin C.


@Benjamin Back when I wrote this initial answer page we didn't have instructions listing a way to install the # 34275013 without a sub panel, but Go Power has a wiring diagram available now (which I've attached above) so it is possible. This specific unit has a built in transfer switch to sense when you're connected to shore power or if inverter power is needed. The only issue is that with this system you only have 3000 watts to work with so you can easily overload the inverter if you have too many things running. You won't be able to run an air conditioner on inverter power because it draws too much and would kill the battery within an hour or two. This means that any heavy draw appliances will need their breakers turned off when using inverter power. It's nice that you don't have to install a second panel and move circuits over but it's going to require you to flip switches every single time to avoid overloading the inverter.

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