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Need Plug-and-Play Brake Controller Harness # 3016 for 2014 Chevrolet Silverado  


I cannot find the part needed for my 2014 Chevy truck. the dealer and GM say that they dont have the harness needed to install the break controller till 3/4 months from now and diagram . Camping World and Alamo Auto supply both Chevy dealers in the area are of no help. Is there a safe way to install this without burning up the truck Thanks


Expert Reply:

We do offer the plug-and-play brake controller harness # 3016 to allow installation of a compatible Tekonsha or Draw-Tite brake controller in your 2014 Silverado. This harness is a plug-in installation; it connects between the brake controller and the under-dash port in the Silverado junction box (which is located to the left of the steering column, just above the carpeting). The installation instructions are linked for your reference.

The product page for this harness lists all compatible brake controller part numbers, including the P2 from Tekonsha, part # 90885.

expert reply by:
Adam R

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