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Recommended Parts to Add Brake Controller to 2017 BMW X5 with Aftermarket 4-Way Connector  


I understand this harness is used as an interface between the vehicle and the brake controller. How would I then send the brake signal to the aftermarket 4- to 7-way adapter? My vehicle wiring interface is the 119250KIT 4-flat.


Expert Reply:

The Tekonsha Plug-In Wiring Adapter # TK29FR is what you'd use if your 2017 BMW X5 has the factory 7-Way connector at the back. Since you're using the Vehicle Wiring Harness # 119250KIT that tees in behind the tail lights on your vehicle you need to use the Universal Wiring Kit # ETBC7 instead. This kit comes with all of the wiring and connections you need for a fully-functioning 7-way as well as what you need to get a brake controller up and running.

Please note that it might be difficult to test and find the correct wire for the cold side of the stop light switch so if that's the case you'll want to pick up the Roadmaster Universal Stop Light Switch Kit # RM-751000 as well.

If you don't already have a brake controller I recommend checking out the Curt Echo Under-Dash Trailer Brake Controller # C27JR which installs out of the way and you adjust the settings using an app for your Apple or Android smart device. Once you have your settings in place the only reason you need to have the app open is to press the manual override if the need ever arises. If you'd rather ditch the phone you can set your settings and use the Manual Override Button # C83HR instead.

Attached are some videos for you to check out.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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