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Replacement 4-Way for Trailer that Has 8 Wires Ran to Connector  


I am looking for a 4way flat trailer connector on a Karavan boat trailer - no one has my connector as the wiring that goes to the trailer has 8 wires coming out of it - do have this type?


Expert Reply:

It really just depends on what the wires are for. Most likely you have several ground wires among the 8 as well as a couple running light circuits in there as well. You just have to run all of the wires to the correct circuits and if you have to run more than one trailer wire to a 4-way wire it will still work just fine.

We have the part # 002402 which has two wires for the running light circuit. The rest of the circuits would just need to be ran together on the corresponding 4-way circuit.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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