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Best Place to Install Scissor Jacks on Winnebago Motorhome  


Really want to use scissor jacks to stabilize our Winnebago VIA. There are two spots under the receiver hitch where it is connected to the chassis on each side that looks strong. Is that a safe place to place the scissor jack to level / stanilize


Expert Reply:

When installing scissor jacks like the etrailer Scissor Jacks with Handle # e99012 you're basically looking for strong points on the frame like what you mentioned. There aren't any "set" places to install the jacks so it's more or less about using your best judgement.

With that being said, if you aren't utilizing the trailer hitch on your Winnebago you might consider using the MORryde Hitch Mounted Stabilizer # MR22AR instead. This stores inside your motorhome and then installs by connecting to your hitch receiver. The only reason I recommend checking this out over the scissor jacks is because scissor jacks tend to reduce the ground clearance on motorhomes as they measure 4-3/8" tall when collapsed.

Either way will help promote a more stable environment when you're camping so it just depends on which installation method you prefer.

Attached are some review videos for you to check out.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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