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Recommended Replacement Screen Door Latch For A 2018 Forest River Flagstaff Micro Travel Trailer  


Hi Experts, I am buying a used 2018 Flagstaff subject line as I have been inspecting it, and I noticed that the screen door handle is broken off. Do you have the right replacement latch available? Not sure how cross correlate the latches for specific travel trailer models. Thanks for your help.


Expert Reply:

Screen door latches are pretty much universal so you really just need to ensure that you're selecting the correct direction, but no manufacturer follows the same point of view when labeling their directions so the key is to look at the plunger.

If you're standing outside of your trailer looking in and your handle needs to be on the left then you'll want the Door Latch for Amerimax RV Screen Doors - Right Hand # 37210765.

If you're standing outside of your trailer looking in and your handle needs to be on the right then you'll want the Door Latch for Amerimax RV Screen Doors - Left Hand # 37210775.

If you want to skip all the confusion and just get something that will work no matter which side it's on then you'll want the Bi-Directional Screen Door Latch # 37206-11865.

Since these are universal fits I do want to note that the mounting holes may not line up with the mounting holes from the factory door handle but you can easily fill the old ones in with some gasket maker # LT37467.

expert reply by:
Kevin C

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