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How to Determine if Demco Kar Kaddy X Has Enough Ground Clearance for Vehicle  


HI Jameson, I received your very helpful reply. Thanks! I think I understand the measurements to be made, but have attached a picture. Did I do it right? If I did it right, the lowest point for ground clearance is 4inch times 4.6 equals 18.4 which is less than the 13.5inch in the picture, so we are good to go? Dont want to make a $3,500 mistake... Also, any luck getting a measurement for how tall it would be stood up against a wall with the ramps, fenders and wheels removed? Regards,


Helpful Expert Reply:

Demco has an interesting way to determine if the Kar Kaddy X # DM9713093 would provide enough ground clearance for a vehicle like your 2006 Mini Cooper to load. You will need to measure from where the front wheel touches the ground on front side of the tire to the front of the lower portion of the front end of the vehicle where it has lowest ground clearance. You'll use that number along with the 7 inches of vertical ground clearance you have.

You'll take 7 and multiply it by 4.6 and as long as that number is more than the tire dimension I had you take you're good. 7 times 4.6 is 32.2 inches.

If you took off ramps, wheels, and fenders you should be able to lean it against a wall.

expert reply by:
Jameson C
Jay W. profile picture

Jay W.


HI Jameson, I received your very helpful reply. Thanks! I think I understand the measurements to be made, but have attached a picture. Did I do it right? If I did it right, the lowest point for ground clearance is 4inch times 4.6 equals 18.4 which is less than the 13.5inch in the picture, so we are good to go? Dont want to make a $3,500 mistake... Also, any luck getting a measurement for how tall it would be stood up against a wall with the ramps, fenders and wheels removed? Regards,

JamesonC profile picture

Jameson C.


Based on your numbers you would be good! You'd need pretty tall ceilings for this to be able to fold up though as it's going to be over 12 foot since this doesn't fold. We do have the foldable Demco Kar Kaddy SS part # DM9713045 instead though which would be much more conducive to folding up.

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