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Recommended Brake Controller For A 2023 Toyota Tacoma  


I just purchased a new 2023 Toyota Tacoma and I am interested in purchasing a brake controller. I would like to purchase a plug and play option if necessary. I am a taller guy and I want to make sure I get a controller that I won't hit every time I get in and out of my truck. Please advice on which option I should choose.


Expert Reply:

Out of all the brake controllers that we offer for your 2023 Toyota Tacoma I recommend the Redarc Tow-Pro Liberty Brake Controller # RED24FR. I like this controller because the main unit will be installed out of sight behind the dash, while the control knob will be mounted on your dash giving you a factory look. You will be able to adjust your braking power with just a turn of the dial.

The Redarc controller has a plug and play installation. You will need the Plug-and-Play Wiring Harness # RED99FR. One end of the harness will plug directly into the back of the Redarc controller and the side of the harness will plug in beneath your vehicle's dash. You will also need the Mounting Panel # 331-TPSI-007 to properly install the control knob.

I linked an installation video below of the Redarc Brake Controller being installed onto a 2019 Toyota 4Runner.. The installation process will be quite similar for your 2023 Toyota Tacoma. If you have any further questions please feel free to reach back out to me anytime and I would be more than happy to further assist you in your towing endeavors.

expert reply by:
Noah E

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