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Troubleshooting A Camco Dogbone RV Surge Protector  


My dog bone surge protector has a yellow light in top two corners to show good connection...been plugged in at home to a 30 amp plug but noticed only the upper right yellow is on now...there is no reference to this at all only if the the left side is lit by itself....can the indicator lights burn red or and other faults. Was always just the two yellows plus the blue


Expert Reply:

It definitely could be a burnt out light or some other internal issue with the Camco RV Power Defender # CAM55312, but the only way to really test that theory would be to connect to an outlet that had an open ground or neutral to see if the red light kicks on and the left yellow light remained off. I don't recommend testing this as you could potentially cause an electrical fire.

Unfortunately Camco doesn't make it to where you can actually fix any issues with the # CAM55312 and at this point you can't really trust that it's safeguarding your trailer so you'd be looking at replacement. I typically recommend the Power Watchdog Surge Protector with Bluetooth # HU97FR since it comes with a limited lifetime warranty unlike the 1 year warranty from the the # CAM55312.

The # HU97FR also has a replaceable surge module so that you only have to purchase one small component instead of rebuying the whole thing. It also has an app that will allow you to monitor voltage levels and will alert you when there's an issue. The customer service that comes along with the # HU97FR is also way better than what you'd get with Camco, which is a major selling point for me personally.

expert reply by:
Kevin C

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