Brakes Working Intermittently When Towing on 2022 Ford F-250
I have a 2022 Ford F-250 pulling a 5th Wheel RV Trailer. When attached, my turn signal lights work, brake lights work, back up camera works, lights work on my 5th Wheel. BUT, when I press on my brakes or use my controller to stop, my trailer brakes intermittently work, which causes a jerking sensation and does not stop the truck/trailer. I cannot use my trailer now because of the danger it causes, so its parked unused. Ford dealer says everything works fine Trailer dealer says cant find problem???????? Any suggestions?
asked by: Joe
Helpful Expert Reply:
I can only give you some educated guesses and things to check, but the trailer dealer saying they can't find any problems is odd as obviously something is wrong. Since the brakes work but intermittently there is very likely a short somewhere, so start by simply checking your F-250's 7-way. Corrosion or dirt may be the cause of a short in a trailer connector. Check the plug to see if there is any type of corrosion built up that may be hampering its functionality, or if any of the pins are bent or damaged and if need be replace it with 7- and 4-Pole Trailer Connector Socket # HM40975
If the truck side checks out then also check your trailer's 7-way for any issues and if needed replace it with # H20044. It could be the wiring to the brake magnets or possibly the magnets themselves. Trace (as much as you can) and inspect the power wires to the magnets, looking for any that may be pinched or otherwise damaged. You'll also need to make sure the ground wires are attached to bare metal surfaces and free of any paint, dirt or corrosion.
You'll want to visually inspect the magnets; if you can see the copper windings coming through the magnets will need to be replaced. You can also test the magnets with Multimeter # PT89ZR and follow the help article I have linked below to guide you.
Products Referenced in This Question
7- and 4-Pole Trailer Connector Socket w/ Mounting Bracket - Vehicle End
- Custom Fit Vehicle Wiring
- Trailer Hitch Wiring
- No Converter
- Custom Fit
- 7 Round - Blade
- 4 Flat
- Hopkins
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Digital Multimeter with 42" Long Test Leads - LED Display
- Electrical Tools
- Testers
- Multimeter
- Yellow
- Performance Tool
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Product Page this Question was Asked From
7-Way Molded Trailer Wire Connector, 6' Long
- Trailer Wiring
- Trailer Connectors
- Trailer End Connector
- 6 - 10 Feet Long
- Plug and Lead
- 7 Round - Blade
- Hopkins
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Featured Help Information
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