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Is Hopkins or Pollak Better for Trailer Connectors?  


Im looking at your Pollak and Hopkins vehicle plug connectors 7 way flat/4 way. Is one a stronger better made connector than the other? Which company would you rate better?


Expert Reply:

Personally, I'm a much bigger fan of Pollak than I am of Hopkins. In my experience, I've had fewer issues with 7-way plug fitting loosely with Pollak brand 7-ways and Pollak is generally the "go-to" brand for most OEM truck setups. 

The snag is there isn't a 4-way and 7-way Pollak branded trailer connector currently, but I have some good news. The Hopkins 7 and 4-Pole Trailer Connector, # HM40975, is actually made by Pollak, but sold by Hopkins. This is the same plug I have on my Silverado and it also comes factory equipped on Ram and many Ford trucks too. If I were you, this is what I would go with. This will connect right to the factory round trailer connector equipped on most full size trucks and SUVs just behind the b umper, but if you need a complete hardwire kit for your vehicle, you'll also want to pick up the following: 

Pollak Pigtail Harness # PK11998 Brake Controller Wiring Kit # 5506 (If you want to use a trailer brake controller)

expert reply by:
John H

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