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Difference Between Curt # 13333 And Curt # 13374 For 2014 Dodge Ram 1500 Crew Cab  


What is the difference between a Curt 13333 and the 13374 hitch. I know by the instructions how they attach but is one stronger or better,higher or lower? I have a 2014 Dodge Ram 1500 crew cab sport model with 20 inch tires. From the bottom of the bumper to the ground is 22.5 inches. Which hitch would you recommend? Thanks


Expert Reply:

I spoke with my contact at Curt about your 2014 Dodge Ram 1500. They said it would depend on how you are planning on using the hitch you choose.

If you are planning on towing something that would require a weight distribution system when towing, you will want the part # 13374. Weight distribution is needed if your trailer weight is more than 50 percent of your truck weight, or if the rear of your truck sags when the trailer is hooked up, or you experience trailer sway. I have attached an article that explains weight distribution.

As it was explained to me, if weight distribution is used, it tends to put more stress on the attach points of the # 13333 hitch box, whereas it is distributed more evenly across the hitch bar on the # 13374.

If you are planning on towing items that would not require a weight distribution system, I recommend the # 13333.

I have attached installation videos for both of these hitches

expert reply by:
Jeffrey L

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