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Is Exhaust System Permanently Lowered to Install Blue Ox Gooseneck on 2013 Dodge Ram MegaCab  


I read that the Blue Ox hitch required permanently lowering the exhaust system on some older model trucks using a new exhaust bracket.. . Is this permanent exhaust lowering required on a 2013 Ram Mega Cab?


Helpful Expert Reply:

I spoke with my contact at Blue Ox about your 2013 Dodge Ram Mega Cab and the exhaust. They do furnish replacement hangers for the exhaust with the DH1102 Hitch. My contact told me that the hangers are adjustable and depending on the installation, the exhaust could be as much as 3 inches lower. I have attached a photo that shows the hangers in the kit and the dimensions when they are retracted and fully extended. I have also included a video that shows this hitch being installed.

If clearance or aesthetics is your concern, I recommend the B and W Gooseneck, part # BWGNRK1308. I read the installation instructions and found no reference to the exhaust system height being affected by installing this hitch. As the attached installation video shows It is loosened and removed while installing the hitch, but is re-installed back to its original state once the hitch is in place.

expert reply by:
Jeffrey L

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