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Brake Controller Recommendation for 2022 Toyota Tacoma for Towing Trailer With Brakes  


WE have a 13 ft scamp with a new axle that included brakes. We tow with a 2022 Toyota Tacoma. I am confused about what I need to control/activate the trailer brakes. Can you help me out? Thanks


Expert Reply:

Standard trailer wiring does not have ability to actuate a trailer's brakes so what you'll need is a brake controller that will progressively ramp up voltage on the trailer brake circuit so that the brakes apply smoothly to effectively and safely stop the towing setup.

My favorite brake controller is the Redarc Tow Pro Liberty part # RED24FR as it has an internal inertia sensor that detects how hard you apply the vehicle brakes and applies the trailer brakes with same intensity and because this is only option that only requires putting a small knob on the dash of your truck instead of mounting a much larger "box" there like a standard controller. You can even use the part # 331-TPSI-002 to mount the knob in one of the knock out blanks on your dash currently for a factory look.

To install this in your 2022 Toyota Tacoma all you need is the custom fit harness part # RED99FR which easily plugs into the port under your dash and requires no hardwiring or splicing.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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