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Recommended Replacement RV Roof Vent Lid For A Fan-Tastic Vent RV Roof Vent  


Is the Replacement Dome for Fan-Tastic Vent RV Roof Vents - Tinted Item # FVK1020-19 a replacement for my Airstream 2023 Flying Cloud 25foot FBQ? The black clips on the new lid cracked. Is there an option other than the black plastic clips, as these break easily. Thank you,


Expert Reply:

I confirmed with Dometic in the past that they only carry two styles of lids for the Fan-Tastic Vent line; flat or dome. From there you can then just choose your preferred color. If you have a Fan-Tastic Vent RV roof vent then you'll just need to determine if you had flat or dome styled lid to choose the correct replacement.

For a dome style you could use the Replacement Dome for Fan-Tastic Vent RV Roof Vents # FVK1020-19 you referenced or part # FVK1020-81 if you'd prefer white. If you had a flat lid you could use part # DMC66FR.

Unfortunately, most RV roof vent lids are typically a cheap plastic design that can easily be broken so I recommend getting a cover like the MaxxAir II RV and Trailer Roof Vent Cover # MA86JR (white # MA76JR) to install over your vent to protect the lid and allow you to use the vent during inclement weather or while driving. These covers will come with mounting brackets you can install on your vent and then easily clip the cover in place.

expert reply by:
Kevin C

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