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Replacement LED Tail Lights for a Pace Cargo Trailer  


I have a PACE Cargo trailer with 4 standard bulb type lights S/T/T. The light is a Truck-lite Model 60 Part number 60202. What kit grommet, pig tail and light can I use to exactly fit the opening on the trialer once the old light is removed? I will need 4 lights.


Expert Reply:

You will need four each of the Sealed, 6-1/2 inch Oval LED Trailer Stop, Turn and Tail Light, 48 Diode, item # STL70RB, Rubber Grommet for 6-1/2 inch Oval Trailer Tail Lights, item # A70GB, and either the Straight 3-Wire Pigtail, item # A45PB or the Right Angle 3-Wire Pigtail, item # A47PB. This is an exact replacement so your grommets will work with the light if they are not damaged or hardened from exposure to the elements.

expert reply by:
Bob G

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