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2006 Jayco Jay Flight 31BHDS Electric Tongue Jack Recommendation  


I have a 2006 Jayco Jayflight 31bhds travel trailer I would like to buy an electric tongue jack what do you recommend?


Helpful Expert Reply:

To add an electric trailer jack to your 2006 Jayco Jay Flight 31BHDS I recommend using one of the following depending on if you want to tie the power into your trailer battery bank or not:

- Battery Bank # EJ-3520-BBX
- 7-Way Power # EJ-3527-BBX

Both options bolt onto your trailer A-Frame using the industry standard bolt pattern and the only difference is how you want to power the trailer jack. The first one is connected to and pulls power from your trailer battery bank while the second one plugs into your tow vehicle 7-Way and pulls power from your tow vehicle when you need to operate the jack.

If you're replacing an electric jack or you don't have to plug it in just to use it then the first option is for you, but if you're adding an electric jack to your trailer and you want an easy way to power it the second jack is the better choice.

Attached are some videos for you to check out!

expert reply by:
Jon G

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