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Comparing Curt Echo C79DR and C27JR for 2019 Porsche Cayenne  


I am driving a 2019 Porsche Cayenne. Is the Curt Echo 51900 the same as the Curt Echo 52000 aside from where it connects to your braking system? E.g. under-dash vs 7-way plug connector? Is one newer than the other? Thank you.


Expert Reply:

That is correct, both the # C27JR and the # C79DR are the same Curt Echo with a slightly different design and connection/mounting position. Both use the Curt Echo app on your phone and are compatible with the manual override button # C83HR if you would prefer to have a physical button in the cab. They came out about the same time, choosing between the two comes down to your preference.

The # C27JR mounts under your dash as you said and will also require the # C51515 wiring harness. This will be a splice in installation. The # C79DR plugs in-line with your 7-way at the rear so the installation will require less effort. Personally, I would go this route to avoid finding and splicing into wires making it much easier.

I have attached some installation videos below for your reference.

expert reply by:
Robin H

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