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Recommended Option For Swapping Out A Lance Proprietary 6-Pole Socket  


I trying to find a replacement receptacle for the cable that runs from my Lance truck camper to my truck. I need the socket on the truck side. Lance uses a proprietary plug and receptacle, their own design. But some that you have LOOK just like the Lance ones. It is a 6 pin plug and socket with two terminals that accept an 8 awg wire, and the others are, I think, 6 awg. Please let me know if one of yours will replace the Lance proprietary one.


Expert Reply:

The 6-pole sockets that we carry can only handle up to 12 gauge wire so the only way to really swap away from Lance's proprietary connector would be to treat it like a standard camper and switch to a junction box and 7-way connector like parts # 38656 and # H20046. This junction box has ring terminal posts so you could easily use a large gauge wire.

You could remove the current socket and mount the junction box next to it and run the wires through the hole where the socket was. You can then use some wire loom and to protect the wires and sealant to fill in the hole and prevent water from leaking in.

expert reply by:
Kevin C

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