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Reverse Light Pin for Lance Camper 6-Pin Connector  


On a lance truck camper 6 Pin where does the reverse lights get attached to I have a 7 pin on the truck and a camper shop made an extension coord to go from 7 to 6 but the reverse light have never worked


Expert Reply:

Lance decided to be unique and come up with their own plug which can be pretty frustrating. According to my research the reverse light function should be the pin in the 11 o'clock position when you're looing at the camper end plug head-on.

Normally we recommend just replacing the Lance 6-Way plug with an industry standard 7-Way plug like the Hopkins # H20043 and then using an in-bed 7-Way for your truck, like the Mighty Cord # A10-7010, so everything is easier to relate to standard 7-Way connections, but if you've already modified your connectors then it might be easier just to make sure the reverse light function gets moved to the correct pin location.

Worst case scenario is that the pin I mentioned doesn't work, so if that ends up being the case then you just need to use a circuit tester # PTW2993 to see what the pinout is on your truck connector and then modify the wiring on your Lance camper to match the functions.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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