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Parts Needed to Use Older Yakima Viper Roof Bike Rack on a 2009 Subaru Outback Wagon  


Greetings Just picked up a 2009 Subaru Outback with factory roof rack rails and factory cross bars. I also already own Yakima round bars and the older Yakima Viper fork mount bike mounts, currently mated to said round bars. They obviously dont therefore work with the OEM aero shaped bars on the Subaru. Im looking to do one of the following but cant suss out what parts I need to do the job: 1- adapt the round bars to the factory rails, and remove the factory cross bars. Ill need a new set of towers for this, but cant figure out which ones. Probably an older product, happy with used. Or: 2- adapt the Viper mounts to the factory aero bars. Yakima Mighty Mounts appear to be the ticket for the rear connection, but I cant envision how to get it done for the front connection of the Viper. Thanks in advance for any guidance you may be able to offer!


Expert Reply:

Your older model Yakima Viper Bike Rack (par 8002000) can definitely be mounted to your 2009 Subaru Outback Wagon. We need to go with your option 1 though as the Viper isn't compatible with the Mighty Mounts.

A complete Yakima Round Bar Roof Rack uses the following parts:

- 48" Round Crossbars # Y00408
- TimberLine Towers # Y33TR
- RoundBar SL Adapter # Y03536
- Lock Core Kit # Y07204 (optional)

As long as your round crossbars are at least 48" long you'll only need the TimberLine Towers and SL Adapter to get you up and running!

expert reply by:
Jon G

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