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2022 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon - Turn Signals Are Overriding Brake Lights. What Do I Need To Do?  


2022 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon - Manual transmission and push button start I have the RM-152 installed along with the Air Force One braking system. The turn signals on the jeep are overridden by the brake being applied in the RV. Its my understanding the RM-88400 does not work on the JL series Wranglers. I further read that with the ignition off and after about 5-10 minutes of the door being closed the stop light circuit is deactivated. The brakes of the RV continue to override the turn signals in the Jeep even after 5-10 minutes. What do I need to install to prevent this??


Expert Reply:

You are correct in that the # RM-88400 brake light relay will not work with the JL wranglers. This circuit you would need to connect one is not accessible. You are also correct that the brake light switch will shut off after 10 minutes of inactivity. For your 2020 JL Wrangler you will need to use a stop light switch kit # RM-751000 which will give you a dedicated stop light circuit and will ensure all your lights are working correctly.

expert reply by:
Jesse M

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