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Recommended Gooseneck Hitch for a 1975 Chevy C20 Pickup w/ a Flat Bed  


Will the Item # BWGNRK1400 fit a 1975 Chevy, C20 with a flat bed?


Expert Reply:

It most likely won't because you have a flat bed but I have one that will. For your 1975 Chevy C20 you will want the B&W Turnoverball Underbed Gooseneck Trailer Hitch for Flatbed Trucks item # BWGNRK1500. This system is designed specifically for flat bed pick up trucks. It does require welding.

The B&W Turnoverball item # BWGNRK1400 you were looking at is designed for standard truck beds and fits a 1976 Chevy C20. However, it mounts right on top of the frame so the ball can stick out through the truck bed. Most if not all flat bed trucks I have ever seen are raised up a few inches above the height of a normal bed which is what makes this hitch incompatible with flat bed trucks.

If you would like to email me a couple of pictures of your truck bed I would be more than happy to take a look at it for you. My email is included below.

expert reply by:
Jerred H

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