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Will The Replacement 13 mm SpeedLink Assembly 7521241001 Fit My Aftermarket Crossbars?  


RE Replacement 13 mm SpeedLink Mounting Hardware Assembly for Thule SnowPack Ski and Snowboard Carrier Item # 7521241001 I have aftermarket crossbars that are somewhat oval in profile, 64mm wide x 21mm thick. on which I would like to mount Thule 724 Flat top ski carriers. Thule C29 adapters are not wide enough. Will this adapter be wide enough wrap around these bars? Will it be high enough so ski bindings do not contact car roof? If not can some sort of spacer be added to raise rack? Would this work better or instead? Mounting Kit for Thule Pull Top Rooftop Ski and Snowboard Racks Item # TH7520970001


Expert Reply:

The Replacement 13 mm SpeedLink Mounting Hardware Assembly # 7521241001 will indeed be a good fit for your crossbars. The straps on this adapter are made to be universal, and are known to fit crossbars like the Thule Wingbars, which are about 79 mm wide and 25 mm tall. So it will certainly be large enough to fit your 64 mm wide 21 mm thick crossbars. The # TH7520970001 that you mentioned will fit your crossbars as well, but the SpeedLink assemblies will be much easier to work with, and take up less space under the crossbar.

Generally contact with the roof is not an issue. The ski carrier itself takes up very little room under the crossbar. It looks like you will be left with plenty of room for ski bindings.

I have included a picture below of the Thule SnowPack # TH7324 installed on a similar roof rack. As you can see there is plenty of room between the skis and the roof of the car. We do suggest using caution when opening the sunroof with the ski carrier installed.

expert reply by:
Jesse M
Thule SnowPack Ski Binding Clearance Example
Thule SnowPack Ski Binding Clearance Example
(click to enlarge)
64mm wide x 21mm thick Aftermarket Crossbars
64mm wide x 21mm thick Aftermarket Crossbars
(click to enlarge)

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