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Does Swagman XTC2 TILT Bike Rack Have a 2-Bike Extension for More Bikes  


can you add a third bike tray?


Expert Reply:

Hey Chi, thanks for reaching out!

The Swagman XTC2 TILT Bike Rack for 2 Bikes # S64671 doesn't have provisions for adding more trays, but I do have some alternative options for you.

For a bike rack that has a similar design and operation I recommend the Hollywood Racks Sport Rider SE Bike Rack for 4 Bikes # HR1400Z where the main differences include the ability to remove the 2 outermost trays (as one piece) and it has a 2" shank instead of the 1-1/4" to 2" adapter that the XTC2 has.

For something closer to the price range and capabilities of the XTC2 we have the Hollywood Racks Destination Bike Rack for 4 Bikes # HR4000. This one differs in that the trays are all fixed and the way the bikes secure to the rack are a little different as well.

I'm attaching some review videos of these racks for your reference.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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