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Parts Needed To Use a Curt A20 5TH Wheel Hitch In Bed of a 2017 Ford F-350 With OEM Puck System  


Hi there, I currently own a 99 f350 with a curt A20 hitch. Im looking to upgrade to a 2017 f350 with the factory puck system. Is there a way to make that factory setup compatible with my A20 hitch? Thanks for your time. Simon


Expert Reply:

I have 2 options for you Simon to mount your Curt A20 5th Wheel Hitch # C16140 in your 2017 Ford F-350 with the factory puck system. The first and easiest is the Adapter Rails # C88KR which you found. This will mount into your 4 outer factory puck holes and gives you the same mounting points your Curt hitch fits into. Do understand this will add 2-1/2" to the height of your hitch so you may need to adjust your mounting holes.

We also have the Legs # C16017 you can mount to your Head # C16540 to so the hitch will more easily drop into the mounting holes and you will not have to worry about the adapter additional height or taking it in and out with the hitch if you constantly remove your hitch when not needed.

expert reply by:
Bud M
Simon profile picture



Hey Bud! Thanks for the prompt reply and good info. I'll have to think a minute about which option suits me better. Just to clarify... if I went with the legs, would I have to unbolt them from beneath to remove the hitch assembly? The positive being that I would have a flat bed... Whereas with the track system I would retain the 4 pin removal system in the bed for the hitch unit however I'd have taller rails bolted "permanently" in place unless I unbolted them from below... Am I seeing that correctly? Thanks! Simon

BudM profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Bud M.


@Simon If you installed the Legs # C16017 you would only have to bolt them to your hitch head once and they would attach to your bed mounts with the 1/4 turn handles. For the Adapter Rails # C88KR you would retain the 4-pin attachment but you do have raised height.
Simon profile picture



I'm sorry for my lack on knowledge! I'm just now in the process of buying this 2017 and am completely unfamiliar with the puck system. The 1/4 turn handles you refer to is completely something I'm unaware of. Are those things that should be coming with the truck system? Or something that is part of the curt components? So sorry for being so clueless! I've never owned a truck this new!
BudM profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Bud M.


@Simon The handles are part of the new legs and are also on the adapter base.

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