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Are Lights Submersible on CE Smith Multi Sport Plus Boat Trailer  


Regarding the CE48870 trailer: 1. Does it have sealed hubs such that the trailer can be backed into the water in order to launch a dinghy? 2. Are the lights able to withstand the trailer being backed into the water in order to launch a dinghy? 3. Are there any. other limitations that would prevent backing this trailer into the water in order to launch a dinghy?


Expert Reply:

Hi there Bob; you can definitely back into the water to launch your dinghy using the CE Smith Multi Sport Plus Boat and Kayak Trailer # CE48870.

The hubs have a dust cap but aren't sealed so water can still get in them. To ensure no water gets in, I would replace that dust cap with the Bearing Buddy Bearing Protectors # BB1980A-SS.

As for the lights, they are fully submersible so no problem there at all, and there are no other limitations preventing the # CE48870 from getting backed into the water.

expert reply by:
Kyle S

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