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Recommended Bike Rack For Two Trek Verve+ 3 E-Bikes  


Can you recommend the best hitch rack for 2 TREK Verve 3+ low step e-bikes with integrated batteries, fenders, and back racks? We want to use it both on a Ford F150 and a Subaru Outback with 2 inch hitches. Want easy on and off as it will often be transferred between vehicles and not left on at all times. Not too heavy for a senior to install and take off of the vehicles by himself/herself. A ramp would be nice but not sure it is essential. Prefer not to have to add a bar attachment for mounting.


Expert Reply:

Hey Connie,

For your two Trek Verve+ 3 e-bikes I recommend the Yakima OnRamp LX Bike Rack for 2 Electric Bikes # Y88DJ. It has a per bike capacity of 80lbs to accommodate your 54lb e-bikes. The rack does weigh a bit more at 70lbs but it's the best option because it comes with a ramp and has adjustable padded clamps that you can move around to fit the frame of the bikes. Most other racks will have issues with the fenders/rear rack and end up damaging them or just not getting a secure clamp on the bike.

I've attached a short video below where Aiden will show you the rack in use. If you feel this isn't a fit for you or would like certain other features then let me know and I can keep looking until we find the perfect rack.

expert reply by:
Kevin C

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