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Replacement 4-Way Solution for 4-Way that Has 7-Wires  


Hi! I need to replace the 4flat plug on my boat trailer. It has 7 wires leading to the pins. I cannot find a replacement plug with 7 wires. It has 1 lone white, a white/black, a yellow/black, and a green/black. How do I wire a new plug? Thanks: Picture of old plug attached.

Wishbone 4-Way
Wishbone 4-Way
(click to enlarge)

Expert Reply:

Hey Mark, so the 4-way setup you have now has two wires ran for each circuit which is called "wishbone" wiring. So you'd just need to run the two wires of each circuit to a single wire on a replacement 4-way like the part # W787264 that you referenced.

The reason for the wish bone setup is to have one wire run down each side of the trailer for the different assemblies on either side.

expert reply by:
Jameson C
Mark S. profile picture

Mark S.


Thanks Jameson, So I would just simply connect my green/black to green, yellow/black to yellow, white/black to brown and run the ground to the trailer frame? Does Wesbar even make a 7 wire plug anymore? Thanks, Mark S

JamesonC profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Jameson C.


@MarkS Yes that sounds correct for the wiring. Wesbar doesn't carry a 7 wire setup that we have seen for some time.

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