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Recommended Storage Cover For a 2002 Starcraft Travel Star 19CK Camper For a Close Fit  


Hello. Do you have recommendations on a cover for a 2002 Starcraft Travel Star camper. Model number 19CK. I am looking for a cover with close fit. Thank you! Kevin


Expert Reply:

I would like for you to take some measurements to verify this information but based on the brochure I could find for your 2002 Starcraft Travel Star 19CK it shows a length of 20'4" from the coupler to the rear bumper. It also says to add 11" if you have the optional spare tire and mount on the rear bumper. So not counting the tongue of the trailer and no spare tire your box is most likely around 17'. For this size I would recommend the Adco Olefin HD RV Cover # AD37ZR. This cover will fit a box 15' 1" to 18' long and up to 8' 3" wide by 7' 6" tall. Like other covers this has straps to take up the excess material since they are a universal fit. If you are wanting a custom fit cover you could reach out to Adco and provide them with the exact measurements of your box since they do make custom covers as well.

expert reply by:
Bud M

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