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Recommended 2,000lb Axle Option That Works with 60" Trailer Frame Width  


Hi, I am building a tear camper and am looking for a complete axle kit, or all the components. Can you put that together for me? 2000lb axle, axle possibly, with roughly 60 inch spring center length. Thanks Scott


Expert Reply:

I have a kind of odd ball option for you, but we do not offer a 2,000lb axle with a 60" spring center length, and that's not something your going to find off the shelf. To go with a traditional axle you're going to need to special order the axle.

Instead I recommend the Timbren Axle-Less # A20RS545. This has the 2,000lb rating you're looking for, but it bolts directly to the frame of your trailer, so it's basically universal.

With this you do not use or need anything else for your suspension, it replaces the axle, leaf springs, hangers, etc, and honestly rides a lot better than leaf spring suspension.

expert reply by:
Samuel C

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