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Is There A Cable To Connect A Furrion Vision S Camera To The Monitor Power Cord  


Vision S Camera System - Monitor Rating: 12V = 0.5A Model: FOSOTTADS CE FCC ID: 2ABH3-FOSO7TA IC: 23337-FOSO7TA FOSO7TASF Serial No:10001150289062202567 I have this 7inch bluetooth monitor system and i’m looking for the cable you can connect from the auxiliary port on power supply cable to back up camera

Furrion Power Cord
Furrion Power Cord
(click to enlarge)

Expert Reply:

Hi Brian,

Furrion unfortunately doesn't offer a cable to run from the camera to monitor power cord on the Furrion Vision S # FOS07TASF camera system if that's what you're looking for. The cable jack on the monitor power cord is a backup to get the camera and monitor close enough to each other to test the camera if you were having issues. Based on the picture I'm assuming you're installing this on an excavator or some other heavy equipment machine?

You'll need to either run wiring from the camera to a 12v battery in order to power it or install a 12v outlet # RM-9332 near the camera for a separate power cord # C-FOS07TAPK-006 to plug into and power the camera. Do you have a 12v clearance light near where you're mounting the camera that you could tap into for power?

expert reply by:
Kevin C

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