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How Much Can Cargo Carrier Haul on 2024 Toyota Sienna With Hitch Adapter  


Hello, I have a 2024 Toyota Sienna Platinum AWD with a Curt hitch installed by U- Haul that says: Gross Trailer Weight: 3,500 lb Tongue Weight: 350 lb Weight Distribution: 5,000 lb WD Tongue Weight: 500 lb Because it’s a mini van, the receiver is very low to the ground. As a result, I purchase the below hitch adapter from you in order to both raise the location of the receiver and extend it a bit away from the bumper: Patriot Hitches Adjustable Hitch Receiver Adapter - 2inch Hitches - 11inch Rise/ - 7K Which has a higher towing and tongue weight capacity than the car and hitch itself! My intention is to get a cargo basket that allows me to carry additional stuff. More like kids things, extra luggage for when we travel, coolers - that kind of thing. NOT a scooter or a motorcycle. So my questions are these: - what’s the difference between tongue weight and WD tongue weight? I get one is weight distributed, but does that mean that if I spread the suitcases and stuff out I can go by the 500 lb WD number? - I’ve also been reading that hitch adapters reduce tongue weight by 50 - but I’ve read there are factors to that. For example - if the extension is less than 12” it’s only 25. Can you clarify? -Is it 25 / 50 of the WD weight 500 lb or the regular tongue weight 350 lb Overall, I’m wondering if what I’m reading is truly applicable considering I’m just toting luggage - but hey, luggage can be heavy! Long story — long, given all the data, can you help me understand what total weight capacity is for things I put on the carrier? Assuming this includes the weight of the carrier ? Thanks in advance!!

Curt Trailer Hitch on 2024 Toyota Sienna
Curt Trailer Hitch on 2024 Toyota Sienna
(click to enlarge)

Expert Reply:

Hi Jordan,

Ok, I think I can clear this up for you, and just to get the final answer for you, the maximum COMBINED weight a cargo carrier and its luggage can weigh in your current setup is 175 lbs (also, apologies for the caps but they don't trust us enough to allow us to use either bold or italics).

As for the specifics, the Curt Trailer Hitch Receiver # C22UR on your 2024 Sienna has a 350 lb tongue weight capacity and the use of any adapter, including the Patriot Hitches Adjustable Drop Hitch Receiver Adapter # PH54FR, reduces that capacity by 50 percent, regardless of length.

The 500 lb tongue weight capacity is for use with a weight distribution hitch, which is a separate system used for towing to help level out the back end of the tow vehicle, so it won't have anything to do with how you distribute the items in a cargo carrier.

That said, 175 lbs is a decent chunk, and you can stretch it out if you get the right cargo carrier; for example the aluminum Curt Cargo Carrier # C18113 weighs only 25 lbs, leaving you 150 lbs of gear to carry.

expert reply by:
Kyle S

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