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Does Derale Transmission Pan Cooler For 2000 Ford E-350 Van Require Filter With Longer Neck  


Hi 2000 e350 with 5.4. E04d transmission. Currently have the short trans filter neck 2wD. If I go to this larger pan do I replace filter with the same or need to switch to 4wd version with longer neck. Also does this application have negative implications in cold weather? I will not be altering stock transmission oil cooler which I understand also serves to get temps up in colder weather. Thanks


Expert Reply:

Hey Spencer,

Good question, and you should be able to keep the filter the same on your 2000 Ford E-350 van when using the Derale Transmission Pan Cooler for Ford E4OD, 4R100, 5R110 and 5R110W # D14208.

Derale added a filter support to account for the different filter height locations. Additionally, the # D14208 filter will not have any negative implications in cold weather.

expert reply by:
Kyle S
Filter Support
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Spencer M.


Thanks for the quick response I did read and watch video on the different filter heights but I’m still not convinced which filter to order because there is two filter neck heights for the e4OD transmission (2wD and 4wd) and the content out there doesn’t seem to specifically call out that difference. It looks like it has 3 adjustment heights but it only says one works for e40d so is that the short neck 2wD or long neck 4wd. I may have to order both filters

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Kyle S.


@SpencerM You're right about that, and I couldn't get any specification from Derale regarding the short neck or long neck. Derale told me the # D14208 would work with either so long as it's the OEM filter, and in researching I've seen claims it works both with the short neck and long neck. So while I hate saying it, I can't 100% verify which is required, though after more research my hunch is you may need the 4WD filter because this fits the 4R100 as well, which uses the E4OD 4WD pan and filter.

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